Where is Cara now? NYC for a week, then down to Washington, DC and right back on up again. An apple a day as they say!



Dude. My Brain Hurts!

Apr 13, 2011


Was planning on ATTACKING the bedroom today, however, got stuck behind the computer screen. Researching and writing about the ills of the world sure leaves one in a debilitated state! It's like, once I've got the sadness, suffering and hopelessness of others in my mind, I can't get them out. Even worse, is trying to figure out a SOLUTION!

Overwhelming, doesn't even come close to the mind'n'body meltdown.

Why do I do this to myself?


Masochism is really not a joke in my world! LOL

It'd save me the hassle and headache, if I just didn't care. But if I don't care, who will? Is it silly to spend so much time on matters SOOOOOOOOO GINORMOUSLY LARGE and ALMOST impossible to fix??????


I basically lost my energy, day and brainpower sucking in info to share. Share for what? Does anyone even read through it? Share it? Or DO ANYTHING?!?!?!?!

We've got all these damn MINDLESS reality shows out now, with "celebs" making EXCESSIVE amounts of money. Why don't we make a reality show based on those who have nothing in this world and no hopes of getting out of their current despondent conditions and let them SHARE the ridiculous wages that would be made by these (sometimes) idiotic chipmunks on parade?


UnRot YOUR BRAIN people!!!!
Useless wastes of one's time is today's WORST DRUG.


A friend of mine is a teacher here. She's having her kids do a project based on world and local aid. The children are to find problems in the world and come up with ways to solve it. Even COOLER, is they have to find LOCAL problems, figure out a way to help...and then ACTUALLY DO IT!



I love it.

Instead of Religion in schools, (as it's controversial) I believe a REQUISITE should be Humanity. Teach and direct kids towards the ills of the world, the value of each and every human being and hopefully generate more USEFUL and AWARE adults.



One can dream, right?

Take the love and purity naturally found in children, nurture it and hopefully watch it grow.




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